After five years of posting every week, starting in January 2011, this blog is closed. The whole purpose of putting up with the bloat and inconvenience of a blogging engine was the comment function, enabling discussion with and among readers. In all of those five years I have had one single public comment, but quite a few by private mail. Seeing that my only requirement was not accepting cowardly anonymity and demanding the use of real names, this says a lot about how deep this supposedly democratic society of citizens has sunk.[1] (Anyone for trying a guess what the second word in res publica stands for?)
The trigger that caused me to do it now was my hoster’s upgrade to a newer version of PHP forcing me to update Wordpress too. Doing so has validated my sticking to an old version for so long:
I have reinstated all the lost old pages in clean HTML.
The lists of articles from the scientific press and my commentaries have gone to
and my personal commentary on random items of politics and current affairs to
I'm looking forward to seeing you there.
I shall try to install a reasonable alternative for the now lost search function. Until that gets done and until all the old links are redirected you can also visit the
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