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About this Blog

My daughter has complained that checking all of my sites for changes is too much of a hassle. So I set up this blog to announce all relevant changes and new entries.

As an extra benefit this allows you readers to comment on my site. If you want to comment on old content please drop me mail and I’ll set up a thread. Please note that I’ll accept no anonymous comments and expect every contributor to set the “display name” to their real name in the user settings.

I regularly read nature, science, PNAS, Current Anthropology, Journal of Archaeological Science, American Antiquity, Antiquity, Archäologische Informationen, Archäologisches Korrespondenzblatt, (most of them on paper — my one big indulgence and luxury) and whatever tidbits I’m led to by finding them being mentioned somewhere. Whoever happened to share my particular interests could find a list of all the highlights of the current week together with abstracts on my site for some time now. From now on you’ll find these, together with personal comments I feel compelled to make, here.

This blog is mostly in English, because I don’t want to restrict myself to a purely parochial audience from my nearest neighbourhood. The exceptions are comments on German press articles. As they don’t make much sense without referring to the articles commented on, they may as well be in the same language.

I’ve had some snickering comments on my colour scheme. The theme I chose for this blog is simple, well structured, easy to use, and (importantly) adapts well to the user’s choice of window size instead of imposing a fixed size on him. With those criteria my choice was limited. I’m colourblind myself. I happen to like the violet tones but can’t tell them apart from green.

Responsible for all content here is:

Dipl.-Ing. F. Axel Berger
Roald-Amundsen-Straße 2a
D-50829 Köln-Ossendorf
Tel: +49/ 221/ 7771 8067
eMail: Webmaster@Berger-Odenthal.De
or: use my contact form