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Archive for the ‘Israel’ Category

Blogging is over

Sunday, February 12th, 2017

After an enforced update WordPress has become totally unusable. This blog is closed. Please see http://blog.berger-odenthal.de/ for a longer explanation.

But its content is going to continue appearing. The new address for scientific journal comments is http://axel.berger-odenthal.de/review/ and my political musings have moved to http://berger-odenthal.de/random/ . There too RSS-feeds will be made available.

Until all the old content can be moved, it will stay available here as an archive.

The big atonement is soon to occur

Friday, November 20th, 2015

Parashat Va’yaitzai 5776: Rejecting Invitations

By HaRav Nachman Kahana

You can find my German translation on my main website. [FAB]

Learning Torah has a myriad of benefits, not least of which is that one who has wide access to the writings of Chazal will never be taken by surprise by anything which occurs in human experience.


Time for Solutions, Not Band-Aids

Wednesday, November 4th, 2015

By Shmuel Sackett

You can find my German translation on my main website. [FAB]

The #1 question I receive – several times a day – is this: “Shmuel, what can we do to solve the problem of Arab terror in Israel?” I certainly understand why people ask this question since almost every day, knife attacks are perpetrated across the country. Just this week, Jews were stabbed in Rishon LeZion and Netanya, adding these cities to the sad list of cities in which (more…)

It’s All Because of the Temple Mount

Monday, November 2nd, 2015

By Moshe Feiglin

You can find my German translation on my main website. [FAB]

Journalist Shalom Yerushalmi wrote that the current ‘Knife Intifada’ broke out because of me. Since the assassination attempt on Rabbi Yehudah Glick a year ago, PM Netanyah, taking his directive from the Muslim wakf, prohibits me from visiting the Temple Mount. So the claim that a year after I was personally exiled from the Mount, the Arabs have suddenly remembered Feiglin – and because of him, have started to slaughter Jews in the streets – sounds absurd. (more…)

Israel Must Not Open Gates to Syrian Refugees

Monday, September 7th, 2015

(Ed. [JG] note: Definitely not the politically correct answer but so what. Feiglin is right. Europe is over, done, stick a fork in it. Perhaps go see it one more time to see what it looked like before it becomes the caliphate that it is destined to become. They sent Jews out in boxcars and now this is what’s coming back.)

By Jason Gold

You can find my German translation on my main website. [FAB]

“More and more politicians are publicly calling upon Israel to open its gates to the Syrian refugee,” said Moshe Feiglin on Sunday. “It began with (more…)

The Community

Friday, August 21st, 2015

By Steven Pruzansky

You can find my German translation on my main website. [FAB]

“Hillel said: do not separate from the community” (Avot 2:4)

So where is the American Jewish community on the matter of the Iran nuclear deal? In truth, better than expected, notwithstanding the noisy pockets (more…)

How One Hunger-striking Terrorist Defeated the State of Israel

Wednesday, August 19th, 2015

Israel has given terrorists the ultimate weapon.

By Moshe Feiglin

You can find my German translation on my main website. [FAB]

As soon as Israel entered into negotiations with the hunger-striking terrorist, Muhammad Alan, he won. It makes no difference for how long (more…)

Here we go Again: Israel to Help Nepal

Monday, April 27th, 2015

In all the catastrophes of the last few years world wide, Israel’s engagement was as big as that of countries ten times its size and wealth and it usually came more quickly and more effectively. But nowhere in the German or international press could I ever find one word about it, except in pages specializing on Israel. Shmuel Sackett regards it as a mistake to make oneself everybody’s lackey. There are several older and more experienced acquaintances of mine, who refuse to give help and advice privately without remuneration, not from being stingy but because they’re fed up being disdained out of a feeling of “what doesn’t cost anything can’t be worth much”.

By Shmuel Sackett

You can find my German translation on my main website. [FAB]


Iran on Israel’s Borders

Thursday, April 2nd, 2015

The purpose of the agreement being drawn up with Iran is not to prevent Iran from becoming a nuclear power. The agreement will simply be a fig leaf for the world leaders who have already accepted a nuclear Iran as fact.

By Moshe Feiglin

You can find my German translation on my main website. [FAB]

More than one hundred thousand weapons grade, precise missiles (some of them guided missiles) are lurking on Israel’s northern border. In the era of Google Earth, it is easy to aim them at any strategic target anywhere in Israel. (more…)

Israel’s Leftist Losers

Thursday, March 26th, 2015

For thousands of years the Jews dreamed of reclaiming their country. The left had another dream.

By Daniel Greenfield

You can find my German translation on my main website. [FAB]

It dreamed of a country run by bureaucrats that worked only three days a week. It dreamed of unions running monopolies that worked whenever they liked and charged whatever they wanted. It dreamed of children raised on collective farms without parents and of government as a Socialist café debate.
