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Blogging is over

February 12th, 2017

After an enforced update WordPress has become totally unusable. This blog is closed. Please see http://blog.berger-odenthal.de/ for a longer explanation.

But its content is going to continue appearing. The new address for scientific journal comments is http://axel.berger-odenthal.de/review/ and my political musings have moved to http://berger-odenthal.de/random/ . There too RSS-feeds will be made available.

Until all the old content can be moved, it will stay available here as an archive.

Articles to 2017-02-05

February 5th, 2017

First the link to this week’s complete list as HTML and as PDF.


Ordinary people’s choices are seldom as stupid and ill-informed as ivory-tower sociologists make them out to be. Are engineers really as sought after as Rozek et al. try to make out? From all I hear about career opportunities, pay offers, and forced early retirement, it does not look like it. What in American society are the real prestige jobs Read the rest of this entry »

Articles to 2017-01-28

January 28th, 2017

First the link to this week’s complete list as HTML and as PDF.


Helen Czerski’s The Physics of Everyday Life is exceptionally cheap at only 11.24 € for the upcoming paperback. If it’s only half as good as Engel claims it is, it may make the ideal gift for less science oriented friends.

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Articles to 2017-01-22

January 22nd, 2017

First the link to this week’s complete list as HTML and as PDF.


To my knowledge Croft et al. is the first report about a female menopause and grandmothering in a non-hominid species and should provide a good test for its differing explanatory hypotheses.

Articles to 2017-01-15

January 15th, 2017

First the link to this week’s complete list as HTML and as PDF.


The first reports on oxytocin a few years ago led some to ideas, that a small addition to our drinking water or similar might solve all our social ills. As Samuni et al. demonstrate, the hormone and its Janus-faced counterside have been part of primate evolution for quite some time.

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Articles to 2017-01-08

January 8th, 2017

First the link to this week’s complete list as HTML and as PDF.


Cheon & Hong start from a plausible hypothesis – high ranking primates are known to monopolise high value food sources making it desirable for lower ranking ones to over indulge whenever there’s a chance. Unfortunately their study fails to prove their case and is systematically unsuitable for doing so. Read the rest of this entry »

Rechtspopulistische Stimmungsmache

January 5th, 2017

Die Lügenpresse lügt (VII)

To the English version of this entry

Das „rechtspopulistische Internetportal Breitbart“ ist jetzt auch in Deutschland angekommen und „stellt die Ereignisse überzogen, teils falsch dar und zeichnet ein Bild chaotischer bürgerkriegsähnlicher Zustände in Deutschland, herbeigeführt von islamistischen Gewalttätern.“

Zum Glück gibt es die seriöse und kritische Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung , Read the rest of this entry »

Everything under control in Germany

January 1st, 2017

Deutschland hat alles im Griff

Cologne could cope without incident on New Year’s Eve

Zur deutschen Fassung dieses Textes

Isn’t it wonderful how there’s no more cause for concern and everything’s back to normal as it used to be in Germany? That’s what the papers, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung and Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger , try to tell us. Is that how it was?

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Articles to 2016-12-30

December 30th, 2016

First the link to this week’s complete list as HTML and as PDF.


In Sunday school I have always found the idea of people making their own idols and then praying and sacrificing to them hard to comprehend. Becoming older, I often find people doing just that. Stocker et al. is another one treating his model as data and telling others using real data, they have to be wrong. Infinitely tuneable models with more parameters than points to be fitted can be tweaked to yield anything.

Articles to 2016-12-25

December 25th, 2016

First the link to this week’s complete list as HTML and as PDF.


“Optimism and looking at those things that get better are realism, not a rose tinted glasses. People are more prepared to promote improvements, if they believe in a chance for success.” Thus, freely paraphrased, Hans Rosling in the report by Maxmen. Now if that is not tiqqun olam, then I don’t know what is. Read the rest of this entry »