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Archive for the ‘Israel’ Category

The Arami Family Needs our Help

Monday, September 22nd, 2014

By Moshe Feiglin

You can find my German translation on my main website. [FAB]

On Friday I went to pay a shiva call (comfort the mourners) to the parents, brothers, sister and especially – the pregnant widow and orphans of Netanel Arami, may G-d avenge his blood. Netanel plunged to his death on Tuesday when somebody cut the rope from which he was rappelling as part of his work at a construction site. (more…)

9/11 and 9/13

Thursday, September 11th, 2014

By Moshe Feiglin

This article was published in Moshe Feiglin’s book, The War of Dreams.
You can find my German translation on my main website. [FAB]

It is amazing how the Israeli media ignored the tenth anniversary of the Oslo Accords. One would think that the media, always looking for hot topics, would not be able to get out of summarizing and analyzing the significance of the horrifying decade (more…)

Letter by parents of Daniel Tregerman to UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon

Friday, September 5th, 2014

Text of a letter sent by Gila and Doron Tregerman, parents of 4.5 year-old Daniel, who was killed during a mortar attack on his kibbutz, to UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon.

The German translation by Israel’s German embassy
can be found on my main website.


Israel’s Left: Ludicrous, loathsome and lethal

Tuesday, August 12th, 2014

In reality, the Left has no genuine concern for humanitarian values. All it truly desires is dominance over the political system.

By Martin Sherman, JPOST

You can find my German translation on my main website. [FAB]

Against the wishes of much – indeed, according to one recent poll, over 85 % – of the public, the government has agreed to a cease-fire in Gaza. (more…)

In the Company of Heroes

Saturday, August 9th, 2014

Hamas, we don’t hate you

By Dan Gordon

You can find my German translation on my main website. [FAB]

Last week I had the great privilege of accompanying Major General (Ret) Avigdor Kahalani to an artillery battalion, somewhere in the war zone. General Kahalani is one of Israel’s greatest war heroes, a veteran of the Six Day War, The Yom Kippur War and the First Lebanon War. It is not an exaggeration to say that were it not for the actions of Avigdor Kahalani and the men under his command, the Syrians, who had already taken most of the Golan Heights, would have been able to push into Northern Israel, and the fate, not only of the war but, of the State of Israel (more…)

How to Deal with Gaza

Wednesday, August 6th, 2014

A Letter to PM Netanyahu

By Moshe Feiglin

You can find my German translation on my main website. [FAB]

To Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu,

The failures of Operation Protective Edge were inherent from the outset, because:

  1. It has no proper and clear goal (more…)

Der entscheidende Unterschied

Wednesday, July 30th, 2014

Antwort auf Muslime, nehmt euch an meiner Mutter ein Beispiel! von Leeor Engländer

Als überzeugter Anhänger von Moshe Feiglin und Zo Artzeinu kann ich weder Herrn Engländer noch seiner Mutter in allem ganz zustimmen. Ich bin aber überzeugt, wir könnten, ergäbe sich die Gelegenheit dazu, in beiderseitigem Respekt und ohne Verbalinjurien (more…)

Israel Can Win if Obama doesn’t save Hamas

Friday, July 25th, 2014

By Matthew Continetti

Slandered, despised, insulted, degraded, Israel is nonetheless winning its war against Hamas.

The number of rocket attacks launched by the terror group each day has been halved. The IDF is uprooting the underground tunnels Hamas uses to smuggle weapons, contraband, and terrorists in and out of the Gaza Strip. On Wednesday evening, Israel’s Channel Two newscast carried footage of Hamas terrorists surrendering to the IDF. (more…)

Israel derangement syndrome

Friday, July 18th, 2014

‘Iron dome’ blamed as ‘likely to prolong conflict’

By Thomas Lifson

Just when you thought Jew-hatred double standards applied to Israel couldn’t get any more ridiculous, along comes this gem, via Rob Garver of The Fiscal Times and Yahoo News: (more…)

The Politically Correct Inquisition

Thursday, July 3rd, 2014

By Moshe Feiglin

Just be quiet!

All the political warning bells are going off in my head.

Are you crazy?
